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Writer's pictureRev Robin Hannon

More on Toxic Faith

Recently someone asked me if I felt like a failure because I have not been physically healed of the issues I face in my body.

Here is my reply. No not in the least. Failure or success is a yardstick that is a personal matter. No two people are the same. What applies to you, does not apply to me, and visa versa. They then said, what about your unbelief in God’s healing ability?” My reply was simple. I said, “It is not up to you to judge the quality of my belief.” Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. (Matthew 7:1-2)

We need to get our noses out of other people’s business and keep these judgments to ourselves.

It is not up to us to question someone else’s faith. Instead, look at your faith. The tongue can be a weapon used for destructive purposes. From the same fountain, both bitter and sweet waters can’t flow. If you see someone struggling, pray that they find solace. Ask for the peace that passes all understanding to guard their hearts and minds. If you feel a burden, take it to God, and see them as He would.

We are not mini gods we are human beings living in a fallible fallen world. Our bodies are subject to aging and illness. We should not be going to God stomping, having a tantrum, and demanding what we think our rights are. Remember who God is and have some respect. He is not your heavenly butler or vending machine. Remember that each person’s walk with God is between them and God. Be kind, be patient, be loving, and honor the journey of each soul you meet. Pseudo-psychology has no place in the lives of those who truly serve God. Stop asking why someone hurts and pray for their pain. You do not need to know the reason; all you need to know is compassion.

To delve deeper into the concept of toxic faith, it’s crucial to understand its impact on individuals and communities. Toxic faith can manifest in various ways, often leading to judgmental attitudes, emotional manipulation, and an unhealthy obsession with performance and outward appearances. This can result in feelings of inadequacy, guilt, and shame for those who do not meet certain religious standards or expectations.

Furthermore, toxic faith can foster a culture of intolerance and exclusion, where individuals are ostracized for questioning beliefs or expressing doubts. This can lead to a lack of genuine connection and support within the community, as well as perpetuate fear and repression.

It’s important to address the prevalence of toxic faith and its detrimental effects, while also promoting a more compassionate and inclusive approach to spirituality. Encouraging open dialogue, embracing diversity of thought, and fostering a supportive environment for individuals to explore their beliefs can help counteract the damaging influence of toxic faith.

By shedding light on the negative consequences of toxic faith and advocating for a more empathetic and understanding approach to spirituality, we can work towards creating a healthier and more uplifting religious community.


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